Self Sabotage


I am confidently embracing challenges, knowing they help me grow.
I am overcoming challenges, using each one to build my path to success.
I am releasing self-doubt and trusting in my abilities.
I am taking bold actions towards my goals every day.
I am the architect of my destiny; I control my thoughts and actions.
I am replacing negative thoughts with positive affirmations.
I am attracting abundance by focusing on what I can achieve.
I am motivated and energized to overcome any obstacle.
I am worthy of success and will achieve it through determination.
I am breaking free from the chains of self-sabotage.
I am capable, competent, and resourceful in all that I do.
I am creating a life filled with joy, purpose, and fulfillment.
I am releasing any fear that holds me back from my potential.
I am in control of my thoughts, and I choose positivity.
I am confident in my decisions and trust my intuition.
I am manifesting positive outcomes with every action I take.
I am nurturing my mind with thoughts that empower and inspire.
I am celebrating my achievements, big and small, daily.
I am resilient, bouncing back stronger from every setback.
I am letting go of perfectionism; progress is my priority.
I am actively embracing and appreciating each new opportunity that enriches my life.
I am deserving of success, and I attract it effortlessly.
I am transforming self-criticism into self-love.
I am focused, disciplined, and moving steadily towards my goals.
I am embracing change as a powerful force for my growth.
I am radiating positivity and attracting positive people.
I am conquering challenges with grace and resilience.
I am breaking free from the limitations of self-sabotage.
I am motivated by my goals and fueled by my passion.
I am actively embracing and welcoming all the wonderful opportunities and blessings life presents.
I am releasing any resistance to success; it flows to me effortlessly.
I am resilient, bouncing back stronger from every adversity.
I am choosing happiness and fulfillment in every moment.
I am actively creating and embracing love, success, and everything I desire in my life.
I am constantly evolving into the best version of myself.
I am confident, capable, and equipped to handle anything.
I am attracting positive energy by focusing on positive thoughts.
I am stepping into my power and owning my worth.
I am breaking free from the chains of self-doubt.
I am worthy of success and capable of achieving my dreams.
I am releasing fear and stepping into my limitless potential.
I am tackling challenges head-on and growing stronger each day.
I am in control of my mindset and choose positivity.
I am worthy of success, and I achieve it with ease.
I am resilient, adapting to change and thriving.
I am confident in my ability to achieve my goals.
I am letting go of all self-sabotaging habits and thoughts.
I am attracting abundance by aligning with my true self.
I am grateful for the journey and excited about the destination.
I am the captain of my ship, navigating towards success with confidence.

We don’t worry about a compass until we’re lost in a wilderness of our own making.
— Craig D. Lounsbrough

Financial Anxiety


Positive Body Image