Chakra - Third Eye (Ajna)


I am open to receiving intuitive guidance.
I am actively listening to my inner wisdom.
I am in tune with my intuition.
I am perceptive and insightful.
I am aware of the subtle energies around me.
I am aligned with my higher purpose.
I am trusting my inner vision.
I am manifesting my visions into reality.
I am guided by my inner knowing.
I am seeing beyond the surface.
I am embracing my intuition with confidence.
I am tapping into my intuition effortlessly.
I am attuned to the messages from my higher self.
I am allowing my intuition to guide my decisions.
I am connected to the wisdom of the universe.
I am honoring my inner guidance.
I am opening myself to new insights and perspectives.
I am deepening my spiritual awareness.
I am listening to the whispers of my soul.
I am trusting the visions that come to me.
I am cultivating clarity of thought.
I am expanding my consciousness.
I am embracing my psychic abilities.
I am accessing my inner truth.
I am channeling divine wisdom through my third eye.
I am visualizing my dreams into existence.
I am recognizing the signs and symbols around me.
I am aligning with my higher consciousness.
I am awakening to my spiritual gifts.
I am opening the door to inner knowing.
I am attuning my third eye to higher frequencies.
I am exploring the depths of my intuition.
I am connecting with the universal flow of energy.
I am balancing my intuitive and logical mind.
I am embracing the power of my imagination.
I am trusting the visions that guide me.
I am deepening my connection to my inner self.
I am expanding my awareness beyond the physical realm.
I am aligning my thoughts with my inner truth.
I am receiving divine guidance with gratitude.
I am allowing my intuition to lead the way.
I am opening myself to spiritual insights.
I am embracing my inner knowing with confidence.
I am tapping into the infinite wisdom of the universe.
I am nurturing my intuitive abilities.
I am accessing the realms of higher consciousness.
I am following the path illuminated by my intuition.
I am trusting the guidance of my inner voice.
I am expanding my perception of reality.
I am fully connected to my intuitive power.

Only in quiet waters do things mirror themselves undistorted. Only in a quiet mind is an adequate perception of the world.
— Hans Margolius

Chakra - Crown (Sahasrara)


Chakra - Heart (Anahata)