Chakra Alignment


I am grounded and secure, my root chakra is balanced.
I am embracing change with ease, my sacral chakra is in harmony.
I am confident and empowered, my solar plexus chakra radiates positive energy.
I am open to love and compassion, my heart chakra is in perfect balance.
I am expressing my truth freely, my throat chakra is aligned.
I am intuitive and connected, my third eye chakra is clear.
I am at peace with the universe, my crown chakra is in divine balance.
I am releasing fear, my root chakra is harmonized.
I am creative and passionate, my sacral chakra flows freely.
I am confident in my abilities, my solar plexus chakra shines brightly.
I am surrounded by love, my heart chakra is open and vibrant.
I am communicating with clarity, my throat chakra is balanced.
I am trusting my inner wisdom, my third eye chakra is awakened.
I am connected to the higher realms, my crown chakra is enlightened.
I am grounded in the present moment, my root chakra is stable.
I am embracing my sensuality, my sacral chakra is alive and well.
I am radiating personal power, my solar plexus chakra is strong.
I am a beacon of love and compassion, my heart chakra is in perfect alignment.
I am expressing myself authentically, my throat chakra is pure.
I am attuned to my intuition, my third eye chakra is vibrant.
I am connected to divine wisdom, my crown chakra is in perfect balance.
I am releasing negativity, my root chakra is cleansed.
I am channeling creativity effortlessly, my sacral chakra is in harmony.
I am manifesting my desires, my solar plexus chakra is aligned.
I am surrounded by love and light, my heart chakra is glowing.
I am speaking my truth with confidence, my throat chakra is balanced.
I am tapping into my inner guidance, my third eye chakra is clear.
I am connected to the universal wisdom, my crown chakra is open.
I am grounded and centered, my root chakra is balanced and strong.
I am honoring my desires, my sacral chakra is in perfect equilibrium.
I am radiating personal power, my solar plexus chakra is vibrant.
I am a vessel of pure love, my heart chakra is open and free.
I am expressing myself with clarity, my throat chakra is harmonized.
I am attuned to my intuition, my third eye chakra is awakened.
I am connected to divine wisdom, my crown chakra is illuminated.
I am releasing any fears or doubts, my root chakra is purified.
I am embracing my creativity, my sacral chakra is flowing effortlessly.
I am confident in my abilities, my solar plexus chakra is in perfect balance.
I am surrounded by love and acceptance, my heart chakra is open wide.
I am communicating my truth with ease, my throat chakra is aligned.
I am trusting my intuition, my third eye chakra is clear and perceptive.
I am connected to higher realms of consciousness, my crown chakra is expansive.
I am rooted in the present moment, my root chakra is grounded.
I am embracing pleasure and joy, my sacral chakra is balanced.
I am standing in my power, my solar plexus chakra is vibrant.
I am a vessel of unconditional love, my heart chakra is in perfect harmony.
I am expressing myself authentically, my throat chakra is clear.
I am tapping into my inner wisdom, my third eye chakra is awakened.
I am connected to the divine, my crown chakra is open and receiving.
I am at peace with the universe, my entire chakra system is in perfect alignment.

Your vision will become clear only when you look into your heart. Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside awakens.
— Carl Jung



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